
child in dentist's chair

The Main Benefits of Pediatric Dentistry

Visiting the dentist isn’t often number one on your child’s long list of preferred activities. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t high on the list of things they should do. Your child’s teeth are important and serve much more of a purpose than looks alone. From digestion to speech, teeth are an integral component of

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Girl laughing and showing teeth.

Crazy Facts About Teeth

It isn’t any secret that our teeth do a lot more than help us chew food. Without them, even simple things are a lot more challenging. Teeth help us make facial expressions, form words, whistle, and a number of other things we don’t often think about. Our first set of teeth, 20 in number, are

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girl grinding teeth

Why Does My Child Grind Their Teeth?

Factors That Cause Teeth Grinding A little-known fact is that excessive teeth grinding is not just a common behavior, but a legitimate condition referred to medically as bruxism.  Bruxism may unconsciously manifest during the day or at night during sleep.  Though a common condition – especially among children – teeth grinding often occurs during sleep

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teen visiting pediatric dentist

How Long Can You Visit a Pediatric Dentist?

You may wonder why it is useful to bring your child to a pediatric dentist. After your first visit, you’ll probably see the benefits! But, how long can you bring your child to your beloved, pediatric dentist? First of all, we recommend you bring your child for their first dental check-up as soon as they

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baby bites on teething ring

Timp Dental Teething Tips

While it can be exciting when your baby starts cutting teeth, it can also be a time of sleepless nights and grumpy days. Here are some teething tips to help you and your little one get through this stage of growth. Every child is different and may show signs of teething starting as young as

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young child brushes his teeth

How Oral Health Affects Overall Health

We believe it’s never too early to start teaching children about good oral health. Practicing oral hygiene from a young age promotes overall good health. Dental disease can impact future health, which is why at Timp Pediatric Dentistry we take it seriously. We’ve shared a number of tips for promoting good oral habits, and here’s

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father and son floss

Proper Dental Care for Your Kids

While it’s important to get your child’s teeth checked by a dentist at least twice a year, it’s even more important that you’re teaching your child proper dental hygiene at home. These habits will stay with them for a lifetime and can prevent further health problems, like gum disease, as well as heart disease, kidney

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