
young girl eats apple

Back to School Dental Care Tips

It’s that time of year again! The kids are back in school, supply shopping is at an end, and the excitement to get back into a classroom is still fresh. We do our very best as parents to make sure our children are prepared for whatever the school year has to throw at them, but

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Kid wearing sports guard

Teeth Safety Tips for Your Sports-Playing Child

Sports are a great activity that teaches children about physical fitness, teamwork, sportsmanship, and more. However, they come with an added degree of risk. Obviously, playing a sport increases the likelihood of breaking a bone, but it also increases the risk of losing or breaking a tooth. While broken teeth can be fixed, it is

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Girl drinking orange juice

Non-Dairy Ways to Get Your Child Calcium

Calcium is an essential nutrient that your children need to build healthy teeth (and bones in general). In the past, milk, cheese, and other dairy products have been a recommended method to get the necessary calcium that a child needs, and those can still all be good options. However, dairy products can also be trying

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Little girl at the dentist

Why You Should Use a Pediatric Dentist

It’s important for parents to have a good grasp of your kid’s dental hygiene. A key job of parenthood is to help your children develop healthy habits when they are younger so that they maintain that they maintain that habit into adulthood. Because of this, when you start to take your child to the dentist,

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toddler brushing her teeth

How Do You Get Your Toddler to Brush Their Teeth?

Let’s be honest. Brushing your teeth isn’t the most fun thing in the world. This is especially true when you’re a toddler, and the two minutes it takes to brush your teeth can feel like an eternity. Nonetheless, it’s important to impart upon a toddler the importance of taking care of their teeth and make

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Your Guide to When Baby Teeth Come In

Every baby is on their own schedule, but as parents, we tend to compare how our children are developing against other children. In most cases, your child will develop at a normal pace, within what is considered to be a normal timeframe. Baby teeth tend to come through around the same time for most children,

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Why Are Your Baby’s Teeth Crooked?

When you bring your baby or toddler in for their first appointment, rather than a cleaning, we usually do a simple exam to evaluate the health of your child’s teeth and gums. One of the things the dentist likes to look for, is the spacing between the teeth in your child’s mouth. Ideally, your child

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Picking the Right Toothpaste For Your Child

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common childhood disease? Over 16 million children develop some sort of tooth decay every year. The best way for you to help your child avoid cavities and dental decay, is to make sure that they are brushing their teeth adequately each and every day. A big

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How to Give Your Child a Balanced Diet

As parents, one of the biggest concerns we have, is ensuring that our children are healthy and thriving. This is only made more difficult by how hard it is to reason with your children. As an adult, you know the value in eating your vegetables, but it’s hard to help your child understand the importance

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American Fork, UT 84003

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