As a parent, there are so many aspects of parenting that you have to keep track of and teach your child and it can be difficult to stay on top of all of them. One of those things, is dental hygiene. Especially at a really young age, it can feel impossible to encourage your children to take care of their teeth and oral hygiene. So how do you help your child form good dental habits? You can force a toothbrush into their mouth on a daily basis, but that doesn’t help them develop habits that will stay with them through to their adult life.
Encouraging brushing and flossing
The best way for your child to keep their mouth healthy and thriving, is to encourage brushing and flossing. Often, this is easier said than done. How do you help them form those good habits? The best way, is to start helping them brush their teeth as a baby. Before teeth even pop through, you can gently brush their gums with a silicone bristle toothbrush. This can also be very soothing on their sore gums when they are teething. As your child gets older, if they are resisting brushing their teeth, try to make it fun. Make up a teeth brushing game, brush your teeth with them so they know it’s not a chore you’re forcing them to do, or sing and dance with them while they brush. As they get older, flossing should be incorporated into their routine. Small flossers made with yummy flavors are the best way to add this aspect in. Teach by example. Show them how to use them, and let them know that we do it every night after brushing our teeth.
Regular dentist visits
No matter how diligent your child is with brushing and flossing their teeth, they should still have regular dentist visits with their pediatric dentist. There are a few different reasons for these regular dentist visits. The first, is that it helps them develop a habit. It normalizes it. It won’t be a scary experience if they are anticipating it every six months, and they’ve been going to the dentist as long as they can remember. The second reason, is your dentist can catch anything troublesome before it becomes an expensive problem.
Keep their diet healthy
The food and drinks that your child consumes directly contributes to the health of their mouth. Make sure that their diet is filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, and processed sugar intake is incredibly limited.