Articles posted by Kim Higdon

tooth extraction on child at dentist

Tooth Extractions and Your Child

The world of dentistry can be a scary place for kids—especially when you’re talking about surgery or procedures. For example, one dental procedure that can cause significant concern is tooth extraction. Because what kid wants to lose their teeth? However, it’s important that kids understand why tooth extractions may be necessary to feel more confident

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teen girl smiling

Does Your Teen Still Have Baby Teeth?

When parents visit Timpanogos Pediatric Dentistry, they’ll undoubtedly have questions about the “timeline” surrounding their child’s baby (primary) teeth. When should they fall out? Why are they not? What’s normal? As with any child learning how to stand, walk, talk, or read, there are milestones we expect our children to meet at a certain age.

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little boy eating apple

Which Vitamins Are Essential for Tooth Health?

As parents, we know that brushing and flossing are essential for our children’s overall oral health. But sometimes forget just how much the foods and drinks we allow our children to have daily can affect the health of their teeth and gums. Having a balanced diet, along with proper brushing and flossing, can help your

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Kids brushing teeth

Preventing Tooth Decay

New parents and seasoned parents alike often come into Timp Dental with one common question: How do I prevent tooth decay for my child? It’s no question that taking care of our oral hygiene can be tricky enough. It can be tough to make sure we’re always doing as much as possible to prevent oral

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boy at pediatric dentist

Pediatric Dental Emergencies We Commonly See

Kids are always getting into some kind of trouble, and if that trouble has something to do with the state of their teeth, you’ll want to be prepared. Some emergencies you can handle yourself, but for others, you’ll most likely need a dentist. Seven of the most common emergencies are found below. 1. Knocked Out

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Tips to Teach Your Child to Floss

It’s no secret that flossing is extremely important for oral health. But, it’s one of those habits that can be hard to develop if you’re not used to it. Teaching your child to floss at a young age is monumental in developing this healthy habit. That being said, teaching your child to floss may not

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Model tooth pictured with dentistry tools. Pediatric dentistry concept.

A Brief History of Dental Care

A Historic Practice The history of kids’ tooth care, or that of adults’, goes back thousands of years. The dentists who work at Timpanogos Pediatric Dentistry are the latest in a long line of professionals who used to practice dentistry in all types of places throughout history, such as barbershops and morgues. The earliest known

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young girl holding lost tooth in hand

Oral Hygiene Through the Years

Setting the Record Straight There is a common misconception that ancient people didn’t care about their kids’ tooth care, or their own for that matter. Egyptologists, opening tombs that haven’t been touched in 5000 years, find mummies with worn-down nubs for teeth and the world turns to one another and says, “see? They didn’t care.”

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Image of baby biting finger while teething. Pediatric dentistry concept.

The Teething Timeline

Childhood is littered with milestones; the first time they crawl, the first time they speak, the first time they pull themselves up. While some of these moments might be bigger than others, the nature of early childhood development is that our kids are always learning, always growing, and finding new ways to interact with our

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